Healthy Eating Information - Fastingand press,Informationon healthy eatingrecommendsjuiceas a healthy alternativeto fastor skipmealsalternative.You canenoughfruit and vegetablejuiceto keepthe calories andnutrients youneed to stayhealthy andstill lose weight.Addprotein powder, soy orwheat germcanalso help yougetmore protein thanyour body needs.Juicinghas become a popularchoice of foodin recentyearsand has producedshort-term resultsare excellent.The challenge is tokeep the weight offonce yougo back to eatingsolid foods.See informationon healthyfoods to helpmake this transition.
Fasting and"starvation mode"
If you choose toskip mealsand fastcallingcan be completelyyour bodysends the wrongmessage.Information onfoodAddressHealthsomething called "starvation mode"expired.This is the stateof your body thatcan reverseWhile manycaloriesmissinggold ifyou skip a mealtoo.Your body canturnon itselfand startmuscle tissueas fueland keepbody fat.This isthe opposite resultofwhat you are tryingto try, so be carefulwhen jumpingor without food.Remember,you must log into nourish your bodyburn calorieschiresultsinweight loss.Starvingbody hasthe opposite effect.
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